Your search for all items in the catergory Stories
Title: Whittingehame College and Jacob Halevy
Category: Brighton & Hove
Description: In this fascinating account, Leslie Brown recalls his school days at a unique Jewish boarding school in Brighton, Whittingehame College, which was headed by the even more unique headmaster, Jacob Hale...
Title: The Tibber Family at Brackley, Northamptonshire
Category: Brackley
Description: Anthony Tibber recalls his family war-time in Brackley
Title: The Testimony of Edmund Weiss a Jewish prisoner of Camp Tibor
Category: Jewsroad
Description: Many of the prisoners who laboured on the Jew's Road were imprisoned in Camp Tibor at Dannes. This is the testimony of another Jewish prisoner as to the conditions at the camp for Jews after the main...
Title: The strange story of Jacob Barnet
Category: Oxford
Description: Throughout the Middle Ages, and right through to the 1850's, the University of Oxford, required all members of the University to be Christian, and members of the established church. Thus unconverted ...
Title: Prof. Geoffrey Lewis Tells His Jewish Story
Category: Oxford
Description: Prof. Geoffrey Lewis tells his family's Jewish story and his recollections of Jewish life in Oxford. This account was originally given as part of the 2007 'Oxford Jewish Memory Day' held with the Oxf...
Title: My Father's Jewish 'Church' in WWII Montgomeryshire
Category: Miscellaneous
Description: �