Title: Russia Asks UK to Ensure Decent Burial of WWII Prisoners' Remains Date: 27/09/2017 Category: N/A Description: Russia asked the United Kingdom to ensure a decent burial of the remains of the Nazi concentration camps' detainees on the island of Alderney, a representative of the Russian Embassy in the United Kin...
Title: Launch of Guided Jewish Heritage Trail in Lincoln Date: 07/09/2008 Category: N/A Description: On the Day of Jewish Culture on 7 September, 2008, JTrails launched walking tours of Lincoln with three guides and JTrails Director, Marcus Roberts, and around 60 participants, including Gilliam Mello...
Title: Jewish Bodies Found in Medieval Well in Norwich Date: 26/06/2011 Category: N/A Description:
The find of the remains of 17 sets of skeletal remains in a medieval well in Norwich is a dramatic discovery, particularly at it is now claimed that they are the Jewish victims of a medieval pogrom...
Title: In Nazi-occupied Britain, graves at Alderney's 'Little Auschwitz' may be defiled Date: 16/10/2017 Category: N/A Description: A 137-mile project will connect British and French energy grids via the Channel Islands, but the route may bisect mass burials on the one-time concentration camp island
Title: Embassy requests FCO to make sure POW graves in Alderney are respected (response to Russian media question) Date: 28/09/2017 Category: N/A Description: Following British media reports that the construction works for the France - Alderney - Britain energy project have damaged the burial sites of former Nazi concentration camps in Alderney, the Embassy...
Title: Channel Islands: EDF electricity plan could destroy Alderney's 'little Auschwitz' Date: 17/09/2017 Category: N/A Description: Channel Islands: EDF electricity plan could destroy Alderney's 'little Auschwitz'- A power line from France to England could desecrate the burial ground of a Nazi concentration camp on Alderney, exper...
One of the leading medieval communities in England, Northampton's Jews were given the boot in 1290. However, seven centuries later they would return to give the boot to Northampton. Read More