Your search for all items in the catergory Stories
Title: Derek's Froomberg's Story - Childhood in Brackley During World War II
Category: Brackley
Description: Derek was interviewed by members of Northampton Youth Forum in August 2008 as part of a community history project with Jtrails, Northampton Museum, NBHA and Inspiration FM. The project aims to create...
Title: Coming of Age - The First Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue Bat Mitzvah
Category: Brighton & Hove
Description: Louise Jay Mordecai recalls her traditional Jewish coming of age, the Bat Mitzvah, the first at Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue, s previously young members had had a Jewish confirmation servic...
Title: Chorley Wood Jewish Evacuees
Category: Miscellaneous
Description: Alec Tuckman writes about his war-time memories when he was evacuated to Chorley Wood
Title: Childhood memories of North Laine
Category: Brighton & Hove
Description: Linda Freedman recalls the sights, sounds and smells of North Laine, Brighton
Title: Brighton in the 1950s
Category: Brighton & Hove
Description: Bryan Brooks recalls the 1950s in Brighton as a happy era for himself and his friends.
Title: Brighton and Hove Memories of Derek Jay
Category: Brighton & Hove
Description: Derek Jay recalls how he came to Brighton from London, his long association with the Liberal synagogue in Brighton and Hove and its youth group and attitudes towards the Liberal movement.