Useful Links
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Title: The Jewish East End Celebration Society
Category: Miscellaneous
Link: http://www.jeecs.org.uk
Description: The Jewish East End Celebration Society celebrates and promotes all aspects of the former Jewish East End and promotes a variety of talks, walks, events and other initiatives.
Title: The Jewish Chronicle
Category: Miscellaneous
Link: http://www.thejc.com
Description: Britain’s leading Jewish newspaper now have an on-line archive of all of its entire newsprint run – an invaluable archive for research and family history, though the archive is only available for annual subscribers.
Title: The Jewish Built Heritage Database
Category: Miscellaneous
Link: http://www.jewish-heritage-uk.org
Description: The Jewish Built Heritage survey and database of the UK and Ireland, is the first comprehensive survey of Jewish monuments and sites ever undertaken in Britain. The survey covers monuments and sites w...
Title: The Henry III Fine Rolls Project
Category: Miscellaneous
Link: http://www.finerollshenry3.org.uk/home.html
Description: The Henry III Fine Rolls Project is a three year Resource Enhancement project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. It aims to publish the Fine Rolls of Henry III from 1216 down to 124...
Title: Ramsgate Montefiore Heritage
Category: Ramsgate
Link: http://www.ramsgatemontefioreheritage.org.uk/
Description: The aims of Ramsgate Montefiore Heritage are to raise public awareness of the heritage of Sir Moses Montefiore in Ramsgate, by promoting these connections and by publicising the contribution made to the town by one of our most prominent citizens, to the advantage of our commercial, educational and faith communities.
Title: Ramsgate Historical Society
Category: Ramsgate
Link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ramsgate-Historical-Society/136797399711707
Description: Additional photographs of Townley Castle College Synagogue and the school can be viewed on Terry Wheelers Facebook page 'Ramsgate Historical Society' following this link below: