Your search for all items in the catergory Profiles
Title: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
Category: Oxford
Description: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook was born in Griva, Latvia in 1865. In 1904, he moved to Ottoman Palestine to assume the rabbinical post in Jaffa. The outbreak of the First World War caught him in Europe, and...
Title: Nigella Lawson
Category: Miscellaneous
Description: She may by a ‘domestic goddess’, and daughter of a former Chancellor, but for all her charm and class, Nigella Lawson is descended from a petty thief.
Title: Mr and Mrs Dyson
Category: Bradford
Description: Mr and Mrs Dyson tell David David about their memories of living in Bradford.
(Interview and Photograph David David)
Title: Lady Margaret Kagan
Category: Bradford
Description: Lady Margaret Kagan, wife of the late Sir Joseph Kagan, who was close to Prime Minister Harold Wilson in the 1970s, tells how she and Joseph escaped the Holocaust and came to Bradford and how her husb...
Title: Karen Garrad
Category: Bradford
Description: Karen Garrad recalls a more recent Jewish connection with Bradford
Title: Juleta ('Ditta') Michel
Category: Northampton
Description: Ditta Michel (1869-1941) was the first born of GL Michel. She originally worked as a bookkeeper but she then opened 'Miss Michel's Typewriting School' in 1892, when she introduced typewriting to Nort...