Title: Rita Biehal and the World War II French Secret Agents of 'Section Buckmaster' Date: 15/03/2009 Category: Miscellaneous Description:
JTrails are pleases to publish on JTrails.org.uk the war-time memories of Rita Biehal where she reveals that suspected traitors were imprisoned and mistreated in the basement of her building.
Title: LAUNCH OF NEW ON-LINE OXFORD JEWISH HERITAGE MAP! Date: 13/03/2009 Category: Oxford Description: JTrails and Oxford Chabad House, are pleased to announce the launch of a superb new on-line map of Oxford Jewish Heritage, hosted on Google Map.
Title: Yehuda Avner Takes the Oxford JTrail Date: 26/02/2009 Category: Oxford Description: Former Ambassador to the UK, Yehuda Avner, took a tour of Jewish Oxford with JTrails Director, Marcus Roberts at the request of Oxford Chabad House who had invited the Ambassador to address the studen...
Title: JTrails Recieves Award for Excellence Date: 09/01/2009 Category: Northampton Description: JTrails Recieves Award for Excellence from Northampton Borough Council as part of the National Customer Service Week.
Title: First National Jewish Heritage Trail launched in Oxford Date: 26/06/2007 Category: Oxford Description: A new historical walk though Oxford’s rich Jewish history, starting from the medieval Jews’ cemetery to the site of Jacob’s Coffee house – the first coffee shop in England
One of the leading medieval communities in England, Northampton's Jews were given the boot in 1290. However, seven centuries later they would return to give the boot to Northampton. Read More